Sexy Kourtney Kardashian reveals her body after baby!


1015-large-cover.jpgIn an EXCLUSIVE photo shoot with Life & Style, Kourtney Kardashian slips back into a bikini for the first time since giving birth to her son, Mason, on December 14th. The reality star gained 40 pounds during her pregnancy and in just three months has already lost an astounding 33 pounds. "Being with Mason was so much more important than working out," Kourtney explains to Life & Style on why she took her time to shed the pounds. Kourtney shares her secrets to weight-loss success, what boyfriend, Scott Disick, thinks of her new figure -- and the couples plans for more babies!

L&S: How does it feel to show off your post-baby body in a bikini?
Kourtney: I feel good! I'm just starting to get comfortable being in a bikini again. I'm excited. Scott told me recently that he could tell my body was changing. He also said he could tell I'm noticing it because I'll do these stupid dances in the mirror.

L&S: What does Scott think of your new body?
Kourtney: He's always complimentary. He loved my post-baby body, but I think he's excited I'm getting my old body back too.

L&S: Have you reached your goal?
Kourtney: I have a few pounds until I get back to what I was before: 100 pounds. But I feel comfortable. I weigh about 107 pounds.

L&S: Would you like another baby right away?
Kourtney: I don't know. I'll see what happens, but I'm definitely not opposed to it.


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